Finally we had three projects presented from three teams. Congratulations!!:

Finally we had three projects presented from three teams. Congratulations!!:
The European Erasmus+ SMARTRAIN project held during the first week of May the third of its mobilities, in this case in Spain, with the presence of students and teachers from Belgium, Italy and Spain.
With the coordination of AIDIMME and CIP FP CATARROJA, Spanish partners of the project, an agenda of training activities was prepared in both centres and visits to companies of interest for the students and teachers who participated in the mobility, such as EMUCA, VICCARBE, KOO INTERNACIONAL y GRUPO ROYO. We would like to thank all of them for their predisposition and excellent attention.
This third mobility is focused on intelligent furniture and the possibilities it offers in its incorporation into furniture, and on the other hand to show the progress made in each of the collaborative projects that are being carried out in each country.
The SMARTRAIN project continues with its progress, and this time the second mobility was held in Italy, during the week of March 7 to 11 2021.
Students and teachers of the project, together with technical managers of the project partners, travelled to the headquarters of Enaip Lombardia in Cantu, Lombardy region, in northern Italy. There, a set of activities were carried out with the common link of 3D printing, teamwork and based on the projects that each of the groups are developing, and their usefulness for the wood-furniture sector.
During the mobility, Enaip Lombardia, coordinated by Sara Tettamanti, responsible for the International Area of this entity, organized an attractive schedule for this mobility within the project. Activities ranged from group dynamics/games to promote teamwork, to training activities on 3D, practical activities on 3D modelling on 3D printers and laser cutting equipment, including a series of visits to ENAIP’s FABLAB facilities, to two local companies: TABU and RIVA 1920, and to the Polytechnic University of Milan.
In a few days the second mobility of students and teachers in the framework of the SMARTRAIN project will take place, from March 7th to March 11th. This time the venue is the headquarters of ENAIP LOMBARDIA in CANTU (Italy) and the organisation is in charge of this centre together with COSMOB, the other Italian partner of the project. During the week of 7 to 11 March, students and teachers of Vocational Training from Spain (CIPFP CATARROJA), Italy (FUNDAZIONE ENAIP LOMBARDIA) and Belgium (ITN NAMUR) will meet in a week of activities that revolves around all the possibilities offered to the wood and furniture sector by the application of 3D printing, the state of development of the projects initiated by each group of students, and the application of methodologies based on PBL (Project Based Learning). These international meetings of students and teachers are a great opportunity to exchange experiences, points of view, etc. and are one of the key points of the SMARTRAIN project.
During this week, visits to companies of interest in the area and educational institutions such as the Polytechnic University of Milan are also planned.
During the week of October 25-29, 2021, the transnational meeting of the project partners and the first physical mobility of the students selected by the VET schools participating in the SMARTRAIN project took place.
This first mobility and training action was made possible by the improvement in the pandemic situation of COVID-19l and was physically carried out at the ITN in Namur (Belgium)