
AIDIMME. Technology Institute. (Coordinator)
AIDIMME is the reference Technological Institute for the Furniture, Wood, Packaging and Related Industries sectors. It is a nationwide private non-profit trade association with international projection. It counts on more than 30 years of experience contributing to increase the competitiveness of Valencian companies and companies from the rest of Spain in national and
international markets.
• 25.000m2 distributed into two headquarters located in Paterna (Valencia).
• More than 160 professionals.
• More than 20 laboratories authorised according to UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17.025:2017.
• More than 60 I+D+i projects, own or in cooperation, per year.
• More than 5.000 services for more than 1.300 companies per year.
Parque Tecnológico – Calle Benjamín Franklin, 13
46980 PATERNA Valencia ( Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 136 60 70 – Fax: +34 96 136 61 85

CIPFP Catarroja. Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional Catarroja
The Integrated Public Training Centre of Catarroja (CIPFP Catarroja) was created in 2008. Its training offer covers the two sub-systems of Vocational Education &Training: One the one hand, Initial Professional Training, where we have different training cycles; and, on the other hand, Professional Training for Employment. Our professional families cover the fields of Installation & Maintenance; Mechanical Manufacturing; Energy & Water; and Wood, Furniture & Cork. Our teaching activity is organized as follows:
• Internal activity (on the premises): Basic Vocational Training, Intermediate and Higher VET Cycles, Training for Employment, Dual Vocational Training, Training for Trainers, and Process of Acknowledgement and Accreditation of competences.
• External activity (off-premise): Training for employment, Dual Vocational Training, Training for employed people, Tailor-made training, and Workshops about incorporation into the labour world.

The international strategy of the CIPFP Catarroja is based on the establishment of long-term relationships with educational institutions, technology centres and companies in other countries, especially in the EU. Likewise, we aim to establish collaboration agreements with other academic and business institutions that have a similar educational offer to ours, or whose field of work is directly related to the professional families in which our students are trained, in order to exchange experiences and learning. One of these forms of relationships focuses on participating in European initiatives, such as the Erasmus+ Programme. The VET centre has participated in these since its inception with mobility projects and with the Comenius ENTER (Education in New Technologies in European Relations), C95 Challenge (, Eurojoiner (Mobility of Wood Workers across Europe) (, MIMWOOD (Database of innovative materials for the furniture sector) (, ABILITY TO DATE, RISE (Lean StartUp) and currently with SmarTrain (Bridging pivotal competencies from VET curricula to co-creation in furniture design) (
The VET centre holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for the period 2021-2027:
More info about European Projects:
On October 5th the new LABi 4.0 (Smart Factory) was inaugurated in the CIPFP Catarroja, a system of the SMC IT brand supplied by ALECOP to LABORA – Valencian Employment and Training Service. This is an initiative to provide vocational training updated to the technological needs using IDB Data, collaborative robotics, automation, etc… demanded by Industry 4.0. More info about our Smart Factory:
C/ Sant Vicent Ferrer, 1 bis,
46470 Valencia (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 192 49 10

COSMOB. Technological Center
COSMOB is a Technological Centre for the wood and furniture sector supporting companies in increasing the technical value and the performances of their products.
The support provided by many experts, according to an integrated approach, is planned around the needs of each company; in this sense, the Technological Laboratory for Quality, built over 20 years ago, is the main facility where several activities are developed, such product design, digital manufacturing and rapid prototyping, validation and certification of materials, products and processes, technical training.
Today Cosmob counts among its shareholders more than 200 firms, in particular furniture producers as well as wood working machinery manufacturers.
In detail, Cosmob operates in several areas:
• Quality, by carrying on mechanical, physical and chemical laboratory tests on materials and products of the wood and furniture sector
• R&D, through the involvement, at national and international level, in research and innovation project in the field of new materials, domotics, circular economy, digital prototyping and innovative products (for functionality and design)
• Internationalization, through the participation in cooperation projects aimed at enhancing SME’s competitiveness
• Design, by supporting companies in developing innovative, functional and eco-sustainable products
• Training, by organizing courses aimed at students, workers and entrepreneurs to increase their technical knowledge
Via della Produzione, 61
61025 Montelabbate (Italy)
Tel.: +39 0721 481269

Fondazione ENAIP Lombardia
It operates for more than 50 years, with 280 employees and more than 1000 collaborators. It has 27 accredited training centers in the whole Lombardy region, that offer educational and vocational training courses and services and that deliver employment services. It cooperates with more than 2000 companies and training for 20000 citizens, of which 4000 students in compulsory education. It is also an acknowledged training agency that delivers a wide variety of educational and vocational courses and services for the workforce. It is competent and efficient in tailoring the organization of its courses and services in order to respond quickly to changing scenarios. Its local status, national and international contacts, and connections place Fondazione Enaip Lombardia in a unique position to gain a broader perspective while at the same time it is also able to act directly on local issues.
It has the ability to maintain and develop a work culture and of a widespread entrepreneurship, thanks to the close relationship with local companies and the use technology and innovative laboratory methods (FAB-LAB). It has developed a wide variety of network and relations with hundreds of local and public administrators, trade associations, professionals’ bodies and employers’ association, lower and upper secondary schools and universities and thousands of companies.
It has the expertise in research, coordination and management of European projects, in which it takes part in order to share and test best and innovative practices and methodologies and to bring an added value to all the targets mentioned with it uses to work with/for.
Via XI Febbraio, 8
22063 Cantù (Italy)
Tel.: +39 02 88124101

Founded in 2003, and based since 2010 in Brussels, InnovaWood is today a major European network in the forestry, woodworking and furniture sector. The overall aim is to bring business benefit to the value chain by providing a forum for the member organisations and contribute to the competitive development of the European forest-based sector. The network is built of 55 member organisations from 26 countries in Europe and overseas in the field of research, education, training and knowledge transfer. These include leading research and technology institutes (RTO), major universities, professional schools and cluster organisations in the entire value chain from forestry and wood processing to construction, furniture and biorefinery. InnovaWood represents a common voice for promoting wider impacts from innovative uses of wood, Europe’s most important domestic renewable raw material, in line with the major policies of the European Union. InnovaWood communicates this message effectively towards decision-makers in policy, administration and industry on the EU and national level. Collectively, its members are involved in at least 1,500 national and 500 international projects.
The members benefit from the Secretariat’s dedicated support in creating and joining project consortia and collaborative actions, forging links with other industry sectors and promoting crosscutting RTDI cooperation. The services offered to the members include: i) Participation in EC and EU stakeholder meetings, ii) Networking and representation on behalf of members, iii) Early information about funding programmes and calls, iv) Joint initiatives, project development and management support, and v) Communication, dissemination and exploitation support.
The InnovaWood Secretariat has a considerable record of coordinating and managing projects under various European Commission programmes including FP5, FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020, Leonardo da Vinci, CIP Eco-Innovation, CIP IEE, Marie-Curie, Erasmus+ and EIP RM commitments. Its large EU-wide network is frequently used for validation and dissemination of project results. InnovaWood also maintains regular dialogue with multiple stakeholders on the European level, including the European woodworking federations, industry associations, R&D networks, trade unions, individual companies, funding agencies, legislative bodies and policy makers.
The European Forestry House , 66. Rue du Luxembourg
BE-1000 Bruxelles
Tel.: +32 2 2392300

WOODWIZE is the Belgian Knowledge, Competence and TrainingCenter from and for the woodworking and furniture sector.
WOODWIZE knows the woodworking and furniture sector inside-out, and we’d love to pass this knowledge on to employers, employees and coworkers, teachers and students!
Our training courses and professional services help to make the sector both sustainable and safe. Are you looking for someone to show you the ropes? No-one is better able to help than we are!
Got any questions about Health & Safety, when it comes to woodworking? WOODWIZE is the ideal place to get them answered!
Our Mission
Woodwize helps companies from the wood and furniture sector to work more sustainably. Woodwize supports, advises and guides companies and (future) employees from the wood and furniture sector through training and professional services. Woodwize has solutions to strengthen talents within the sector as well for employers as for (future) employees and co-workers.
Our vision
Woodwize wants to be thé forerunner for sustainable working in the wood and furniture sector. To this end, Woodwize strives for a sufficient intake, a good personnel management and the prevention of early sector leavers.
Our strategy
WOODWIZE is working in four domains to create a better wood and furniture sector:
• Training and competence improvement: Stronger through training
• Promotion of wood education and of the wood and furniture sectors in education: Link between learning and doing
• Raising awareness of safety and well-being policy: Being safe and well
• HR advice: Our advice cuts to the chase
Allée Hof ter Vleest, 3. Rue du Luxembourg
1070 Anderlecht. Bélgica
Tel.: +32 2 558 15 51