
Hence, the main OBJECTIVES of the project are as follows:

  • REDUCING THIS GAP between SKILLS that companies are looking for and the JOB POSTS they are offering. VIRTUAL TRAINING with the help of an adequate thematic training material, along with a PRACTICAL COMPONENT (learning-by-doing) are more than encouraged, due to the fact both TEACHERS AND STUDENTS will acquire concepts and learn new working processes that are innovative, digital and respectful to the environment.
  • Facilitating the acquisition of new competences and skills that takes into account both the DIGITISATION (Additive Manufacturing, Intelligent Furniture) and CIRCULAR ECONOMY, such as digital skills, creative skills, business skills, intercultural competence, fairness/inclusion of disadvantaged persons.
  • Contributing with the VET providers by offering new PRACTICAL TEACHING-LEARNING methodologies that are present in all Europe.
  • Establishing a NETWORK OF COLLABORATION AND WORK between RTOs and VET providers from the point of view of R&D and technology transfer, through the sharing of information generated by the companies, that are constantly participating and collaborating with the RTOs in all these prospective themes in the wood and furniture sector.
  • Testing the benefits of international exchange in VET for wood and furniture sector, which will establish regular collaboration in the future and will lay the basis of subsequent sustainability of the project.
  • Transferring and acquisition of skills related to design and prototyping of high-quality, reusable, recoverable and recyclable furniture products according to principles of circular economy.