Project steps

The main projects steps are aligned with Intellectual Outputs to be produced.

  1. Generation of training material of Circular Economy, Additive Manufacturing and Intelligent Furniture
  2. Evaluation of training material and application in Cross-cultural course for VET students & teachers. It consists of 3 cooperative VET school projects.
  3. During and after the Cross-cultural course, generation of an Open Education Handbook and Best Practices for VET stakeholders: from VET students to hiring companies.

The expected results of SMARTRAIN Action can be classified in:


  1. Design and development of three pieces of furniture elaborated by VET students coming from three different VET centres in Europe (Spain, Belgium and Italy).
  2. Development of training material about Additive Manufacturing, Circular Economy and Intelligent Furniture (training pills).
  3. Evaluation of the training material and application during and after the short mobilities in European VET centres, following the project-based approach.
  4. Training material adaptation proposal for students of lower profile (e.g. in Spain addressed to Formación Profesional Básica “Basic carpentry and furniture”).
  5. Creation of a methodology on how to carry out successfully and make the most of these Erasmus+ initiatives to upgrade both students and teachers skills.


  1. Cooperation between stakeholders: RTOs, VET centres and VET students by increasing cooperation and dialogue in the field of innovation, digitisation and circular economy.
  2. Provision of the knowledge and tools to generate new (circular, intelligent) furniture in a digitised world.
  3. Technology transfer from RTOs to VET centres.
  4. Improvement of the sector overall picture, which generally acknowledged is seen as a traditional manufacturing industry, towards an advanced and technological one.
  5. Internationalisation and transnationalisation.
  6. Project-based approach that will raise the motivation of the learners, as their own motivations and desires in the type of furniture will be taken into account for the students’ projects.
  7. Establishment of synergies between the formative sector and the productive sector of wood and furniture.